Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Oh yeah... and we graduated

That's about how I feel about posting this now.
Really it actually was more like....
 Yahoo!   Hallelujah!  Yippee!  Hooray!

Graduation events went as follows:

April 22:
  • The Big Shabang (aka BYU Commencement or graduation with the entire university)

  • Dinner with just the grads and parentals- enjoyed at Magleby's at Travani in Springville.

  •  Home to finish packing.

April 23:
  • 7:00 AM Moving commences..... 12:00 PM Movers ship out. Please take our stuff safely to CA in your "Big Mac" truck.
  •  Lunch... Yes it was a big enough deal to mention on the blog, after a morning of cleaning I was HUNGRY...  Tim and I got a super good paninin (turkey artichoke-heart... highly recommended) from Kneaders.. I miss Kneaders and PJ breakfasts with dear friends.
  • Marriott School Reception- Just good to see friends and thank professors.  I am blessed to have associated with so many amazing people!
  •  Marriott School Convocation (aka graduation with just the Business School)
  • Dinner with the Farnsworth Fam- Fabulous! Conversation and dinning at PF Changs

April 24
  • Cleaning... cleaning... cleaning.... and yep more cleaning. Thanks to all our helpers!
  • 9:00 PM- Goodbye Provo... Hello open road to California!
Important notes: 
Dear PF Changs,
Thank you for really great food and a fun atmosphere.  Most of all thank you for the Great Wall of Chocolate. 

Dear USU,
Thank you for the perfect start to college.  Thank you for life-long friends and incredible mentors.

Dear BYU,
Thanks for some great years, increased knowledge, fun memories, and invaluable friendships.

Dear Friends,
Thank you for being amazing and just being you.  You are exactly who we needed at the time we first met and who we are blessed to always call friends.  We are excited to see where life takes each of you and to share the journey with you in any way.

Dear Family, 
Thank you all for coming to be with us.  Thank you for loving and supporting us.  We are glad we get you for forever!
Dear Timothy John,
Thank you for supporting me in everything, including finishing school. 

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