Sunday, January 10, 2010


Well, we're moving to the Bay area! I accepted a job at the Oakland CA Temple as an Assistant Engineer, building upon the work I've been doing as an Intern for the past year. I'm really excited for the opportunity. Margo and I has a great first week here after our drive down last weekend. Margo will be going back and forth until she graduates in April, so we'll both be very grateful when things get settled down then. Highlights of our first week here together include lot's of driving. Believe it or not it's actually been a lot of fun driving around and seeing areas that we may soon call home. The purpose of all the driving was really to see where we want to live. We found a lot of good options and lots of places where we definitely won't live. On one afternoon we drove through a farming community called Clayton, which is only about a 35 minute drive from the Temple. We were amazed there was such a place so close to the metropolis of the Bay area. Margo immediately started dreaming about buying a farm with cows. I told her that it's probably not going to happen. It's good to know there is such a place though so close. Here is a picture of Clayton.

We went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie at the Historic Orinda Movie Theater. It was awesome, both the theater and the movie. The great part is that it's only 10 minutes away.

On Saturday morning, before Margo had to fly home, we spent the morning in San Francisco. We both love the city because of it's beauty. We drove down to the piers and got out and walked around the Golden Gate National Park. We're definitely excited to live here because we'll never run out of things to do.


Jots and Giggles said...

Great info on the vagabonds from California-soon you'll be our beach bums

Joseph Richards said...

cool you went to Orinda...I'm actually doing an analysis on their 2010-11 budget at work right now...seems like a nice area