Saturday, December 5, 2009

November Happenings

Over Thanksgiving Break Margo put on a baby shower for Elaine, who is expecting our new baby nephew Ethan in December. When Margo gets going on something, she always does it....shall we infinity and beyond!!! I had no ideas one person could think up so many cute things in such short time. I've been educated on many new items such as onesies and burp clothes and lot's of other things I didn't know existed. The opus of the baby shower was the diaper cake, again something I didn't know existed. It was pretty cool I admit. Just so everyone knows, the central core is tubes of butt paste (again, something I didn't know existed). Overall, I guess you could say this has been a very educational experience. The picture of Lorna and Parker at the shower is great. They both are so cute!!!

Margo's sister Megan spent the end of November and December in Duchesne working on her Masters Degree final paper. Accordinly, we've been able to see a lot more of our adorable nephew Parker. He is awesome! I taught him how to say my name and he likes me a lot. He loves electronic stuff, especially cell phones. As you can see, he loves Margo's cell phone.

Over Thanksgiving Margo and I spent time helping my dad with his log cabin kit that he's building at our farm. It's really a pretty cool project. After it's done we're going to take it up the mountains. My mother is already taking reservations so get in line.

At the end of the break we also had our annual Christmas Tree chopping down event up at my family's property in Argyle Canyon. We decided to have two trees at our apartment this year, after having three last year. We thought it might be good to downsize year by year, especially since next year we might only be able to have one. There's really nothing like chopping down your own Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Ken Farnsworth said...

Tim & Margo you lead such fun and busy lives. Thanks for sharing your comings and goings, your pics are great! Keep living, loving & sharing!

Love always,