Saturday, February 12, 2011

to entice you

This post is meant to entice you...

The conditions of today:
current temperature

A beautiful day
trees blooming
             green grass growing
                                sunny blue skies! 
Today is one of those days.

Were you enticed?  Admit it you were.

If you're someone we love and are somewhere cold this is your official invitation: Come enjoy this with us! (If you're not in a cold spot- we'll see if we can make an exception...  if we don't know you- enjoy the blog and we still recommend the Bay area so feel free to stay at a hotel)

The truth is I can't get over how warm it is and that spring basically came at the end of January!


julie said...

I will have to say I am VERY ENTICED!!!! What a beautiful place to live...especially in January! Love you guys!!!

Jots and Giggles said...

Soooooo jealous! We still have icicles hanging from the eaves! But the sun is shining-it just fools us into thinking it's warm, though. Love the pics and will surely plan a CA trip.

Sarah B. said...

I will be there tomorrow ahaha